Ego provides an authentication service for other Kids First services.
![Interaction with ego](../../_images/ego.png)
Typical interaction with ego from a web application
Use Within Applications¶
Front facing applications such as the portal or release coordinator UI interact with Ego to obtain a token that may be used to authenticate with other services. In the above example, the portal has a short exchange with Ego wherein an Ego token is acquired. From there, the portal will store the token then use it to verify the current user has been authenticated when talking with other services.
Services that receive these requests containing the user’s token will verify that the token was indeed minted by Ego by either passing the token back to Ego for verification, or verifying that it has been signed by Ego by using Ego’s public key.
There are currently only two roles that are used in Ego: user
Groups add another level to user permissions inside Ego, although they are currently only used to differentiate internal users from others for analytical purposes.
Services may also be registered via Ego so that they may be authenticated by other services.
Social Authentication¶
Ego allows users to authenticate and register through various single sign-on providers (SSO) such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. When a user authenticates with one of these providers using the OAuth2 flow, an access token is returned to the user which is then sent to Ego. Ego will register this user, if they have never been seen before, and issue its own token to the user to include with all future requests.