Guidelines for Python Projects

Described here are best practices for structuring a python project within Kids First.


Python 2 is becoming increasingly deprecated, only Python 3.6 and later should be used for Kids First projects.

Code Standards

Pep-8 should be followed for code formatting at a minimum. The black formatter should be used for any new repositories and its use is suggested for formatting any new changes or additions to repositories that do not yet have project-wide conformance with black. Most repositories will and should check for formatting using pycodestyle as part of the CI checks.

Package Management

Kids First uses virtual environment in conjunction with pip. All projects should include at least a requirements.txt file for easy installation with pip. Optional requirements may be stored in another prefixed file such as dev-requirements.txt or test-requirements.txt.


Kids First uses pytest exclusively for running tests. Test should be stored in the tests directory at the top level of the project.

Test coverage can be integrated into each GitHub repos with by installing pytest-cov and codecov for Python projects.