Kids First Data Ingest Library

Library Code Repository:


The Kids First Data Ingest Library is both an ETL (extract, transform, load) framework and a library that standardizes the ingestion of raw Kids First study data into target Kids First services.

Framework and Library

Since this is a library as well as a framework, there are components of the kf_lib_data_ingest package that can be used as standalone tools or utilities. The ExtractStage for example can be used as a standalone tool for data selection and mapping (see Extract Stage for details). Anything in kf_lib_data_ingest.utilities can be used as a standalone tool.

Additionally, there are a handful of helper functions in kf_lib_data_ingest.common.pandas_utils that could be used outside of the framework for data wrangling tasks. See <TODO> for details.

Ingest App

The library comes with a built-in command-line-interface-based (CLI) app which is the primary user interface for executing the ingest pipeline. Most users will use this app to create new ingest packages, test packages, and ingest Kids First study datasets into the Kids First Data Service.

Ingest Packages

In order to use this library to ingest a study, users must create ingest packages which contain all of the necessary configuration defining basic ingest input parameters and also how to extract and transform data.

Ingest Pipeline

Ingest Pipeline Overview

Overview of the ingest pipeline


Users of the ingest system will likely fall into 3 categories:

  1. Ingest Operator

    • Will likely just be running existing ingest packages

    • May need to learn how to modify configuration by inspection of existing ingest package configurations

  2. Ingest Package Developer

    • Understands how to create new ingest packages and modify existing ones

    • Knows Python well and likely knows Pandas fairly well

  3. Target Service Plugin Developer

    • Understands the intricacies of how to query and submit data to their target service

    • Understands the Load process and plugin API defined in this documentation and explored in existing target service plugins

    • Knows Python well and likely knows Pandas fairly well


  • Local or remote source data files

  • Configuration files

Source data files might look like this:


p id


sample id











  • Ingest log - A log file containing runtime details of an executed ingest job

  • Serialized stage output - The output of each stage execution in a serializable form written to disk

Extract Stage

The extract stage does the following:

  1. Retrieve - Fetch the source data files, local or remote, and read them into memory

  2. Select - Extract the desired subset of data from the source data files

  3. Clean - Clean the source data (remove trailing spaces, select substrings, etc)

  4. Map - Map the cleaned data to a set of standard Kids First attributes and values

The standard set of attributes and values are defined in the Kids First Standard Concept Schema. (See kf_lib_data_ingest/common/ and kf_lib_data_ingest/common/

Extract stage output might look like this:














Transform Stage

Using a user-defined transform function, the transform stage combines the individual tables created by the Extract Stage into a new set of “records” tables where each table row contains all of the information for an instance of a real world entity or event.

Example: If one of your extracted files contains participant age and consent information, and another extracted file contains participant race and ethnicity information, join the two tables on the participant ID column to produce a new participant records table that contains age, consent, race, and ethnicity for your participants.

Example: If half of your specimens are recorded in one file, and the other half are recorded in another file, concatenate the extracted tables from those two files together to produce one unified specimen records table.

Load Stage

The Load Stage builds target entity payloads from the records emitted by the transform stage, determines whether each entity already exists in the target service by its uniquely identifying components, and then submits each completed entity payload to the target service.