Study Buckets Integration

The Study Creator manages S3 buckets in conjunction with the logistical components of study creation and management.

Feature Flags

The study buckets integration features may enabled with the following feature flags.


Create a new study bucket when a new study is created

Configuration Settings

The following settings need to be provided in order for the Cavatica integration to function correctly.


The region in aws where new study buckets will be created


The bucket that access logs for new buckets will be sent to.


The bucket that access logs for new data recovery buckets will be sent to.


The region in aws where new replication buckets will be created


The S3 location that bucket inventories will be stored in for new buckets.


The arn of the role to use for replication on new buckets.


The prefix where bucket logs will be stored in the logging buckets.


When the FEAT_STUDY_BUCKETS_CREATE_BUCKETS flag is enabled, the Study Creator will allocate new S3 resources during the createStudy mutation to setup the necessary buckets for a study. This will happen after the study has been created in the Data Service and a new Kids First ID has been generated, but before creating new projects in Cavatica.