Task Service API

Below is documented the API specification that Task Services must follow in order to be utilized by the Release Coordinator.

GET /status

Returns information about the Task service including the current status. This endpoint is used by the Coordinator to determine the health of the task service. Any non-200 response will imply that the service is unavailable. If enough consecutive non-200 responses are received by the Coordinator, then any tasks that may have been issued to the task service will be assumed as failed.

Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – The name of the task service
  • message (string) – A status message
  • version (string) – The software version of the task service
Status Codes:



GET /status HTTP/1.1
Host: kf-task-servec.kidsfirstdrc.org
Accept: application/json


curl -i http://kf-task-servec.kidsfirstdrc.org/status -H 'Accept: application/json'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

     "name": "datamodel rollover",
     "message": "ready for work",
     "version": "2.0.4"
POST /tasks

The primary endpoint for communicating with a Service

Request JSON Object:
  • action (string) – Action the action or procedure to run
  • task_id (string) – The kf_id of the task instance to perform the action on
  • release_id (string) – The kf_id of the task’s related release
Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – The name of the task service
  • kf_id (string) – The kf_id for which the action was performed
  • release_id (string) – The kf_id of the release related to the task
  • state (string) – The current state of the task
  • progress (int) – The Percentage completion of the task
  • date_submitted (date) – The date at which the Service recieved the task
Status Codes:



POST /tasks HTTP/1.1
Host: kf-task-servec.kidsfirstdrc.org
Accept: application/json

     "action": "start",
     "task_id": "TA_3G2409A2",
     "release_id": "RE_AB28FG90"


curl -i -X POST http://kf-task-servec.kidsfirstdrc.org/tasks -H 'Accept: application/json' --data-raw '{

     "action": "start",

     "task_id": "TA_3G2409A2",

     "release_id": "RE_AB28FG90"



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

     "name": "data model rollover",
     "kf_id": "TA_3G2409A2",
     "release_id": "RE_AB28FG90",
     "state": "running",
     "progress": "50%",
     "date_submitted": "2018-03-19T20:12:24.702813+00:00"

The Release Coordinator will use this endpoint to communicate all actions (via a POST) that the task service must take during the release publish. When a release is begun, the Release Coordinator service will send a POST to this endpoint with an initialize action. The task service should set its state to pending and respond with a status code 200. The Coordinator will expect a 200 response from all task services in the release to continue with the release process.

If any non-200 response is returned, the Coordinator will cancel the release.

Once the Coordinator has verified that all tasks are ready for work, it will signal the task service to begin staging data via a POST with action set to start. Upon receiving the start action, the task service should begin staging the data and set it’s state to running.

During the staging process the Release Coordinator will poll the task service for status via a POST and action set to get_status. The task service should respond with its latest state and progress. If any non-200 response is returned, the Coordinator will cancel the release. Once work is completed, the task should set its state to staged and task service should notify the Coordinator with its new state.

When its time for the data release to be made public, the Coordinator will signal the task service to begin publishing via a POST to this endpoint with action set to publish. Upon receiving the publish action, the task service should set it’s state to publishing. Once again, the Release Coordinator will poll the task service for status via a POST and action set to get_status. If any non-200 response is returned, the Coordinator will cancel the release.

If a task ever needs to be explicitly stopped at any point in time due to a failure of any kind, the task service may set its state to failed. If the release is ever halted due to an explicit stop or because of a failure in any task, the Coordinator will issue a cancel action to all task services informing them to stop their task or discard any operations.

Task Actions

To summarize, the possible actions in a POST to this endpoint are:

  • initialize
  • start
  • publish
  • get_status
  • cancel

Task States

The possible states of a task are:

  • pending - Received the initialize action, but waiting for start
  • running - After start action while the task is processing
  • staged - After completing work
  • publishing - While publicizing work
  • published - After successfully publishing
  • canceled - Task was canceled by coordinator
  • failed - Task failed at some stage


To ensure that a request to the task service originates from the coordinator, all requests to the task services will be made with a Authorization header containing a bearer jwt for ego. This token may be used to verify the coordinator’s identity against ego using the /oauth/token/verify endpoint.